An inclusive community for all
Trinity Episcopal Church
Individuals with leadership and organizational gifts for liturgy are called to be vergers; overall organizers of the service who team with parish clergy to ensure vibrant and well-ordered worship experiences for the whole community. Vergers make sure all worship leaders are present and ready to go, that the sound system is set, candles are lit, and the worship service flows smoothly.
Ushers meet and greet all who come to Trinity for worship. They distribute service bulletins, take the collection during the service, and bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar for communion. Ushers are the unsung heroes of Sunday morning worship, working to create a warm and inviting environment. Ushers, in the words of theologian Henri Nouwen, help to create “a space wherein a stranger can enter and become a friend.” Individuals, couples, and families all participate in this ministry of welcome.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve wine from the common cup at communion, following the priest who distributes bread. This is a powerful, quiet ministry with great meaning.
Lectors read the holy scriptures each Sunday and lead the "Prayers of the People." Trinity has a large and committed group of lectors and welcomes anyone who wants to join the fold. On-site training is available. Youth and adults are welcomed into this ministry. Special services and feast days provide opportunities for parishioners not normally in the rotation to try out this ministry.
Communion is celebrated at Trinity almost every week with a freshly baked loaf of bread. A dedicated group of parishioners take turns providing the bread, bringing it before the 8:00 am service. A Communion bread recipe is provided.
The Sacristans (Altar Guild) are the behind-the-scenes workers of our worship ministry. These are the women and men who prepare both the chapel and the main sanctuary for weekly services and special feast days, weddings or funerals. The Sacristans take care of the linens, hangings, chalices, brass implements and more. Members work in teams and each team generally serves once per month. New members are always welcome and training is provided. Families are particularly welcome to this ministry.
Children and youth ages 8-18 play an important role at Trinity on Sundays and important feast days. Acolytes light candles, carry the torches during the procession and recession, and actively assist clergy during the service. Training and supervision are provided for acolytes as they gain experience in servant leadership.
“Go forth into the world, and be the church!”
At the conclusion of every Sunday worship service, our deacon dismisses the congregation and sends us out in the world to do the work God has given each of us to do. For many people, this sending out is the most important part of the worship service. We are sent out to live our Christian faith in our daily lives and work. We also live out our faith by ministering to the needs of the world together as a church community.